I am a huge fan of anything scifi/fantasy...so it's pretty much a given that I'm a huge Doctor Who fan. I posted this photo a few months ago in a post about a few events I did. I did these for fun do I didn't really do a tutorial but I did do vine's for them! So I figured I would post my vine's which while not the same as a tutorial, do show my decorating process and give a little bit of an explanation on how planning and executing more complicated cookies works.
I created stencils for each cookie so they were the same shape and size. I do this by doing a drawing on paper and then coating it in tape to make it a little sturdier and so the oils in the dough won't ruin it.
Once the cookies were cut and baked, I drew the outlines for the cookies onto the cookie itself. I wound up icing over a lot of this, but this way I make sure my proportions are all correct.
I then iced all the first layers of the cookie and allowed this to dry overnight.
For the TARDIS blue, white, and black I had a very thick detailing bag of icing and a bag of flood icing. For the grey I just had a bag of thick detailing icing.
The second day I worked on the TARDIS cookies. I did the second layers and all of the detailing. I did the outlines for the saying cookies as well and let that completely dry before doing the text so as not to ruin the border. It also makes sure the text is contained to do the border first and you didn't accidentally write where the border will go.
Next I did all the detailing on the Dalek cookies and finished the text cookies. Allow to dry and they were fully complete!
Once the cookies were completely dry I had a little fun with Vine! Added some TARDIS sounds and played around with the sayings and cookies. I'll probably be doing another set of Doctor Who cookies around the time of the 50th Anniversary Special so if you're a fan keep an eye out for those!

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